
Best House Cleaning in Bay Area

You can manage the house cleaning operations according to the amount of dirtiness at home and to your scheduler. Trained, and dependables cleaners and professional cleaning agents may visit you daily, weekly, biweekly, or monthly. Organize the cleaning plan and choose your maid.

Our team members clean virtually every available surface in every room on every visit, so you can rest assured your home has been detailed cleaned. Our teams even use our healthy cleaning supplies to clean and remove fingerprints from phone receivers, light switch plates, and doorknobs to help stop the spread of germs.

Our cleaning professionals are nice courteous and will always listen to the most important person in your home, you, the client. We offer maid and house cleaning services to help alleviate the upkeep of your home apartment or condo.

CDS provides services to help you alleviate housework. We cover all areas of the home, from the kitchen to the bathroom. We provide our supplies but there is an additional cost if you have a special request (e.g special cleaning liquid, specific scrub, etc.) please make sure to tell the cleaning professional when they make the initial house inspection. Our goal is to make your cleaning experience as pleasant as possible.